It was so much fun! It's always fun to make something beautiful--even more fun when it's to delight someone you love. It made me think of my Papa...and I imagined His pleasure as he flung those northern lights across the sky on Valentine's Day knowing that it would give my heart shivers of wonder. Did His eyes twinkle when He poked those two dimples in my daughter's cheeks knowing I'd relish them? And that sunrise this morning...did He smile in anticipation of my pleasure?

And so my little one urgently wants to help me. She cut the straight lines and sewed the simpler curves. She made a matching scrunchy for her hair. When all was said and done she declared, "It's beautiful!" She pirouetted and revelled in the swirl of the skirt. Said it was fun making the dress with me.
Yes, yes, it was. My heart lifted praise to my Papa because it's fun creating with Him. My stitches were lovely, but they became breathtaking when filled with the dancing, swirling life He created.
Every moment that catches our breath is an invitation to worship.
"You are worthy, O Lord our God,
to receive glory and honour and power.
For you created all things,
and they exist because you created what you pleased."
Revelation 4:11
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