That anxiety makes it a good time to ponder the coolness of God's kindness toward me. On this day many years ago one of my very best friends was born. My kids get the biggest kick out of considering our age difference and what that looks like at their ages in relation to other people they know. "That would be like me being best friends with _______ !!" (Incidentally, it is the same age difference between my husband and I, but I'm the younger one in that scenario.)
On this day ever-so-many years ago, I was planning how I would celebrate my eighth birthday; reading my first full-length novel, Treasures of the Snow; biking to my friend's house; weeding the garden with my mom; maybe going to the beach. It was the year I switched schools and encountered God in a way that marked me forever.
All the while, unbeknownst to me, clear on the other side of the country a baby girl was born. I wouldn't meet her for more than twenty years. What is so cool to me is that away back then God knew the plans He had for us. I know it was with delight that He planned the ways we'd just "get" each other. That our husbands would be bemused but relieved that we make sense to somebody. That our kids would be friends. That we'd both say yes to Him in ways that bring a little bit of heaven to earth. That He planned everything just right so that we would lend each other strength and a whole lot of happiness. It gave Him great joy to plan it all out for us! And we had no idea...
There's no limit to the goodness in our Father's heart toward us!! Celebrating all this goodness makes my heart so happy--and a little bit less anxious about planning my future. I get so furrow-browed over trying to figure everything out, but who knows what other happy surprises He has up His sleeve for me?
I will be your God throughout your lifetime--
until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.
I will carry you along and save you.
Isaiah 46:4