She told me. Right to my face. She suspected that cheerful, hopeful people couldn't possibly be very intelligent. Really smart people comprehend the full ramifications of the dire straight that is the state of our universe. And it's impossible to be very hopeful or cheerful when you're so fully informed.
I laughed. I really did. I couldn't help it! Maybe I didn't try, I don't know. It's just that this joy is irrepressible. Which probably confirmed her point.
It really is foolishness to believe that the impossible could be possible. To have hope when there's no hope of our circumstances changing. When the prognosis is bleak. When the relationship has been fragmented for years. When we've failed repeatedly to change.
It's utterly foolish to believe that a crushed lifeless body, devoid of heartbeat for three days, could live again. Yet it happened. It's been historically validated and it's power is still evident in our lives. Even death is impotent in the presence of the Spirit of the Almighty God!
We have this hope that is an anchor for our souls...
Oh, this hope we have! It's so much more than a lackadaisical, Pollyannic good cheer. Much more substantial than the vapor that is the power of my own positive thinking which burns away quickly in the heat of the marathon. This hope we have is based in the resurrection. Every promise we've been given is backed by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! This same power lives inside you who are called by His name.
Hebrews 6:19